Ryan Carter

ADDRESS : USA, Los Angeles, CA 90002
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Online Marketing Funnel–What Are The 5 Important Stages?

A done for you marketing funnel, at its core, is a specified series of steps that are designed to guide prospective customers and inform them as they get familiarized with your services or products. The can decide whether to opt for your offerings or not. Here are 5 important stages in marketing funnel that can ensure the success of your business.


Customers have to find your blog or website. This can be achieved with the help of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), referrals, testimonials, marketing, paid advertising and various other offline and online marketing techniques.


Offering useful information, a list of resources, eBook, checklist, report etc are some easy ways to attract the interest of visitors to your website.

Striking arelationship

You can start to establish a relationship with people who have subscribed to your email list. Invest in copywriting services to regularly send out blog posts, articles, videos, emails etc, solve problems and respond to queries.

Start selling

Make inexpensive offers through emails. Make bigger offers in the future, after sending some extra emails that offer much value for free. In case your email subscriber opts for your larger or smaller offer, make an upsell offer immediately - which happens to be a costlier option.


Divide the subscriber population into consumers and non-consumers. Have a buyers' funnel to avoid making the same offer to them that they have offered responses to already. Send free, worthwhile content to non-buyers along with product purchase offers that they ignored at first.

Author Resource:-

I'm Ryan Carter, marketing consultant, providing info about digital marketing, small business marketing and advertising for all kinds of companies and SME's. You can find his thoughts at online marketing funnels blog. Visit this page for more information on internet marketing funnel setup for your website.

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