Ryan Carter

ADDRESS : USA, Los Angeles, CA 90002
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Clickfunnels Vs Leadpages – Which Is Better For High Ticket Sales Funnel Creation?

Clickfunnels and Leadpages are two huge marketing tools that can help you in building landing pages, which are one of the key steps to creating a sales funnel and ensure the success of your business. Find out which one is better, when it comes to creating a high ticket sales funnel online.

Number of sales funnels

Leadpages can help you to create only one page funnel, as well as a single thank you page. On the other hand, you can get access to as many as 22 varied types of funnels with Clickfunnels. It is possible to build funnels right from nothing, and be successful at that.

Funnel previews

With Clickfunnels, other than being able to share funnels, you can get the chance to provide others with a preview of the funnel that you have created. Even if they do not have a Clickfunnels account already, they can sign up for one and even in the 14-day trial period, be able to get a glimpse of your funnel. If he likes Clickfunnels and signs up on your referral, you can obtain affiliate commission of 40% if they go on using Clickfunnels even after the expiry of the trial period. In the Clickfunnels vs Leadpages comparison, Leadpages is not found to offer the same benefit.


Leadpages cannot offer some of the amazing features that Clickfunnels comes with, such as allowing the building of survey landing pages, creating membership sites, beginning an affiliate program of your own with BackPack and more.

Author Resource:-

I'm Ryan Carter, marketing consultant, providing info about digital marketing, small business marketing and advertising for all kinds of companies and SME's. You can find his thoughts at an online marketing goals blog. Click here to know more about digital marketing and Clickfunnels vs Leadpages.

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