Ola Edwards Community School

ADDRESS : 1530 Leslie Street, Hillside, NJ 07205
PHONE NUMBER : 908-352-7664 x 4150


OECS School Rules

  • Students must wear a uniform to school each day.
    • Colors are Blue top and Khaki pants
  • Coats and hoodies are NOT allowed to be worn during the school day, including breakfast and lunch times. They should be stored in your locker or designated area.
  • If a sweater or jacket is needed, it must be a blue (solid color) sweater, with/without the school's name.
  • Students are expected to move from class to class quietly and in an orderly fashion.
  • Students must have their notebooks, school agenda, pens, pencils, and textbooks.
  • Students are expected to follow directions from all staff members in the building.
  • No running or horseplaying in the hallways.
  • Follow procedures for bringing class to order.
  • Follow ALL school rules.
  • Students must behave appropriately in the cafeteria and remain in their seats.
  • Cell phones are not allowed to be used in school. Please note: Students who continue to use their cell phones inappropriately will have them confiscated per our district policy and the phone will only be released to their parents. Parents will have to retrieve the phones as outlined in our student code of conduct and as it states in our BOE policy #5516.
  • Absolutely No toys or candy.
  • No outside breakfast during breakfast after the bell.

*Cell Phones and All Electronic Devices and Equipment: Students will not be allowed to have cell phones and any electronic devices or equipment (e.g., chargers, earplugs) out. These items must be put away BEFORE entering the building and stored in the student's locker, book bag, or hidden on their person. Devices heard or seen during the school day (including breakfast and lunch times) will result in the following consequences being issued:

  • First offense - verbal warning and parent call
  • Second offense - parent call, confiscation until day's end, and after school detention
  • Third offense - parent call, confiscation until parent pick-up, and additional after school detention

If or when it is necessary, parents/guardians should contact their child through the school's main office phone number (X4150).

Electronic Entertainment Devices: iPods, iPads, gaming toys, or any other electronic entertainment devices are not permitted in the building at all. If we see or hear such a device, it will be confiscated immediately and returned to a parent/guardian ONLY.

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