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We love Ben Franklin Tech Partners, here's why
EggZack was recently featured in the most recent Lehigh University Alumni Magazine article feat...
What character are you ... Bugs, Batman, Rango, Superman or YOU?
Last week I asked my colleagues to identify themselves with a cartoon character and some of the...
Which Social Media is best for your business?
It's hard to believe Facebook has been around since 2004. Twitter began in 2006. LinkedIn launc...
Restaurants & Family Services Top Local Search - How did you do?
Restaurants are still #1 when it comes to local search with the biggest gainer being Family Ser...
What Are You Thankful For?
Amidst our daily lives rests certain occasions where we reflect on ourselves, our current situa...
What kind of sheep are your customers?
Recently we spoke about how you can make business fun and it appears that many people like this...
Facebook Shmacebook
On top of all the things you do daily, you need to find time to market your business and NOW yo...
Bakery.com & EggZack to change Baking Industry - kickoff at All Things Baking in Houston
Bakery.com and EggZack have partnered to help integrate the baking supply chain drive more loca...
Avoid the whipping post, whoop the competition, not yourself!
Nowadays, search engines are rewarding those who publish content regularly. Meaning, the more y...
The power of a hot shower!
In the aftermath of Super Storm Sandy, I was out of power, heat and water at home for 7 days. T...
Fun is good business!
Hello, my name is Valentine, and I was born in Eastern Europe with four hands and a hidden ext...
PA Governor & Mayor Visits with EggZack
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett and Bethlehem, PA Mayor John Callahan paid a recent visit to ...
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